FCAL N1 N2 NF NT GREY RAYLEIGH TEX REBIN FUDGE NFL NFS SET FCAL applies flux calibration generated by FLUX. NB. FCAL checks that the spectra to be calibrated do not contain the header item TYPE equal to 'FLUX' since that indicates that the spectrum is a flux calibration spectrum. Parameters: N1, N2 -- Range of spectra to flux calibrate NF -- Flux star slot (0 to remove flux cal) NT -- Telluric star slot (0 to remove telluric cal) GREY -- Grey extinction mags/airmass RAYLEIGH- Mutiplier to scale Palomar Rayleigh scattering extinction It is assumed that the flux star has the same values of GREY and RAYLEIGH unless Real header items GREY and RAYLEIGH are set which will override the above values. This does not apply to the spectra to be calibrated which will use the above values whatever. TEX -- Exponent for scaling telluric absorption. Because the telluric lines are saturated, the extinction is not linearly proportional to airmass. TEX tries to account for this. Note that it only really works for low-medium resolution data. REBIN -- Rebinning method to apply telluric cal (Q probably best) FUDGE -- TRUE = Telluric cal scaled to minimise scatter rather than simple exponent scaling. NFL, NFS - Smoothing parameters for the fudging process. SET -- Define mask showing where telluric lines are for fudging. The routine sets the values of GREY and RAYLEIGH used in the headersRelated command: flux
This command belongs to the class: calibration